Types of health and wellness
Did you know that health is highly complex?
To be truly healthy you need to balance the some of given types of well being….
- Physical heartiness/ Fitness
Physical fitness refers to the maximum functional capacity of all systems of the body. utmost of the people have different standpoint with regard to the physical fitness. For common peoples to have a good constitution is a symbol of physical fitness whereas for the croaker.
The proper functioning of of physiological fitness. in reality physical fitness means to carry out the routine of work without getting fatigue or tired and after doing his/ her work he or she has the capacity to do the further work with quick recovery power. In reality fit person have reserve energy to do an redundant work upper his work capacity.
Wellness covers the mental , spiritual, intellectual, financial, emotional, social, environmental, nutritional wellness of any person… all of that are basically component of one’s life that control over all well being.
- Quality of life will be enhanced
- Proper development and growth occur
- Protection from the most of the diseases
- Abilities are improved
- Posture of physical wellness also improved
- Emotionally well
Our happiness is mostly attached with our emotional health. When we are emotionally are well automatically we feel happiness or are physically good. And also perform our well in our daily life. For example when you are angry due to any reason on any person you can control yourself rather the blasting on him or her.
Why emotional health is important?
- Self esteem(negative thoughting)
- Emotions
- Parenting (especially for treating with childs)
- Immune system
- Energyizing
When we are not emotionally well we feel weekness etc so its proved that emotionally wellness is very important for a healthy person. we can say that the main cause of illness is emotionally wellness.
- Intellectual wellness
Intellectual wellness means that we have try to make better our learning, thinking, etc many more likely habbits.
Searching on different topics, writing, studying books broader our intellectual wellness. Talking with other persons or exchanging thoughts make our brain fast and healthy.
- social wellness
Ability of maintaining and developing the sense of connection, belonging and support..
- Healthy relationships
- Balance of social life
- Making genuine connection with the other
- Social value and `belief with society member
How to improve your social life???
- By accepting invitations
- By joining club or gym (according to interest)
- By playing regularly physically games
- Spending free time with friends
Many more types of health are not discussed selected types are discussed. If any of interested visitors want to know about any topics then freely ask in comments.
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